How to Deploy Your Ionic Node.js app to Heroku

In this tutorial I will explain how to deploy one of my Ionic starters to Heroku with Dropbox. Both dropbox and heroku have a free tier that you can use. If you get serious about your app you can upgrade to heroku professional account which is similar to Amazon’s service but much easier to use.

Prerequisite: Sign up for and download their desktop client. Use one of my ionic starters with a node.js backend or use your own node project.

1. Create an account on

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How to Hide Specific Ionic Tabs in Angular

How to Hide Specific Ionic Tabs in Angular? It turns out ionic does not support this functionality by default although I think it should, but luckily it’s not that complicated.

Here are the 3 simple steps:

1. In your tabs.html add this ng-class

<ion-tabs ng-class="{'tabs-item-hide': hideTabs}">


2. Add ‘hide-tabs’ in your views where you want to hide the tabs

<ion-view hide-tabs> 


3. In your app.js add the directive to hide tabs

.directive('hideTabs', function($rootScope) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function($scope, $el) {
            $rootScope.hideTabs = true;
            $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
                $rootScope.hideTabs = false;

The hide-tabs directive will hide the tab on whichever ion-view you set it to.

How to Format Post Dates to show Time since Post

Ever wonder how to format your post times to show up like Twitter or Facebook time since post in minutes, hours, etc? Here is an example of a facebook post 5 hrs ago:

hours ago

I recently had to do this for one of my Ionic mobile apps. Here is the function in JavaScript:

function formatTimeSincePost(time) { // SHOW TIME SINCE POST

    var now = new Date();
    var postTime = new Date(Date.parse(time));
    postTime = now.getTime() – postTime.getTime();

    var timeAgo = Math.ceil(postTime/1000/60);
    var displayTime = "" ;

    if ( timeAgo > 1440 ){ // SHOW DAYS
        displayTime = "" + Math.ceil(timeAgo/60/24) + " days" ;
    else if (timeAgo > 59){ // SHOW HOURS
        displayTime = "" + Math.ceil(timeAgo/60) + " hrs" ;
    else { // SHOW MINUTES
        displayTime = timeAgo + " min" ;

  return displayTime;

You can also add months and years easily if you wish. There you go, happy coding.

Ionic App Starter Templates on and Ionic Marketplace

I recently published some of my Ionic Starter Templates that should speed up your new hybrid app development on and Ionic Market. All starters have been tested on both iOS and Android.


Screen Shot 2016-01-10 at 3.27.51 PMIonic Geolocation – A quick way to start a new geolocation enabled app

Ionic Phonebook – A very easy way to start your phonebook & contacts app

Ionic OAuth – A full app with a node.js backend to support user creation, session, login & social login

Ionic Login Session – A full stack app with node.js backend without the social login support

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