import { SecurityContext } from '@angular/core'; import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser'; private sanitizer: DomSanitizer; downloadCSV() { let blob = new Blob([yourdata], { type: 'text/csv' }); let urlPath = this.sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.URL, this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(window.URL.createObjectURL(blob))); let tempLink = document.createElement('a'); tempLink.href = urlPath; tempLink.setAttribute('download', 'download.csv');; }
How To Find Valid Email Address in JavaScript Regex
How To Find Validate Email Address format in JavaScript Regex:
const EMAIL_REGEX = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; let email = ""; alert( EMAIL_REGEX.test(email));
How to Enable Preflight CORS in PHP for Angular HTTP requests
When testing Ionic or Angular app you might need to set CORS policy to access a service on a different domain. One way to do this in PHP for testing is to send OK responses for all OPTIONS requests. (If you are testing POST and GET requests)
In your php file set:
// change to your app origin header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:8100'); header ("Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Length, X-JSON"); header ("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"); header ("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Authorization, Accept, Accept-Language, X-Authorization"); header('Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400'); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'OPTIONS') { // The request is using the POST method header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); return; }
Don’t ship this test code, this is just for your internal testing of http requests.
JS Infinite Alert Prank Code gets Japanese Girl in Serious Trouble
Explaining her actions, the girl said that she’d run into such pranks herself and thought it would be funny if someone clicked the link.
The Twitter user referenced in the message, 0_Infinity_, has a protected account, but the user left a message in their bio field suggesting that they don’t understand why there’s so much fuss about the script today, as it was written in 2014.
To protest the actions of the Japanese police and the absurdity of calling this act a crime, Tokyo developer Kimikazu Kato has published on GitHub a project called Let’s Get Arrested. Forking the project and then creating a branch named gh-pages will create a simple GitHub-hosted website that contains nothing but the infinitely looped alert, putting criminality at our fingertips.
for ( ; ; ) { window.alert(" ∧_∧ ババババ\n( ・ω・)=つ≡つ\n(っ ≡つ=つ\n`/ )\n(ノΠU\n何回閉じても無駄ですよ~ww\nm9(^Д^)プギャー!!\n byソル (@0_Infinity_)") }
Calling her a criminal is totally absurd.
Samsung Galaxy Foldable Smartphone Review
New York Magazine, Intelligencer:
It’s not just a matter of how smoothly the physical hinges work as the phone unfurls into tablet mode, but whether the underlying software is equally smooth. If I’m writing an email and want to expand out my workspace so I can drop in a link, how well does a folding phone handle that task? Smartphone UX still orbits entirely around the assumption that I, the user, focus on only one app at a time; there have been many attempts by various phone makers to make it easier to work in a split-screen mode, but none that I’ve tried that are satisfying to use.
Another make-or-break for folding phones: glass. As detailed by Brian Barrett in Wired, the folks at Corning, who supply the Gorilla Glass found in iPhones and a huge number of other smartphones, are working on creating scratch-resistant glass tensile enough to be used in a folding phone.
But there are two reasons why virtually every non-bendy smartphone on the market uses glass: it withstands scratches much better than plastic, and glass feels much better to the touch than plastic.
In 2017, Motorola tried to attack one of the biggest pain points for smartphone users with its Moto Z2 Force, featuring a “shatterproof” plastic screen. The phone was a dud — it picked up scratches remarkably fast, looked cloudy even before it got scratched up, and just felt cheap to the touch.
Seems more gimmicky than useful. With larger screens there is more battery consumption, which is not what anyone wants. What would be more useful is a way to use your phone as a desktop by plugging in a keyboard and monitor at your desk. Something like using your iPhone as an iMac at home.
How To Open $ionicPopover Popup from Controller
How To Open $ionicPopover from Controller programmatically without a mouse click event:
var self = this; // store reference to 'this' controller object this.openCustomPopover = function ($event) { $event = document.getElementsById('myElementID'); // html element ID $ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('popovers/myhtmlpopover.html', { scope: $scope }).then(function (popover) { console.log('in the popover then function'); self.popover = popover;$event); }); }
You can call this function from your controller without a true click event, by faking the $event object.
How to Display and Format Code Snippets on WordPress
How to Display and Format Code Snippets on WordPress ?
What I use is Pretty print, and it’s very simple to setup.
1. Include this script in your header run_prettify.js
2. Start your code with the pre tag
<pre class="prettyprint"> class Voila { public: // Voila static const string VOILA = "Voila"; // will not interfere with embedded tags. } </pre>
More information at
How to Dynamically Load Dark Mode CSS with JavaScript
How to Dynamically Load Dark Mode CSS in your Website or WebApp (Ionic, React, or Angular):
1. Create the two separete css files, one for dark colors and one for bright
2. Upload those to your server to css folder
3. Use the script example below to load the appropriate css file based on the hours in the day.
function loadcssfile(filename, filetype){ if (filetype=="css"){ //check filename is an external CSS file var fileref=document.createElement("link"); fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); fileref.setAttribute("href", filename); } if (typeof fileref!="undefined") document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref); } var date = new Date(); if (date.getHours() >= 19 || date.getHours() <= 7) // after 7pm before 7am loadcssfile("../css/darkmode.css", "css"); else loadcssfile("../css/lightmode.css", "css");
Don't blind your readers at night -_-
If you want to incorporate sunset and sunrise you can look into Suncal library, but you will have to request user's location which is always rude and not recommended.
How to fork and pipe multiple processes on Linux
The C code here is used for reference of how to pipe 3 separate children processes. It can be improved to support a dynamic amount of processes and corresponding pipes and system calls.
// This program is an example of how to run a command such as // ps aux | grep root | grep sbin // using C and Unix. // pipe_example.c #include#include #include int pid; int pipe1[2]; int pipe2[2]; void exec1(); void exec2(); void exec3(); int main() { // create pipe1 if (pipe(pipe1) == -1) { perror("bad pipe1"); exit(1); } // create pipe2 if (pipe(pipe2) == -1) { perror("bad pipe2"); exit(1); } // fork (ps aux) if ((pid = fork()) == -1) { perror("bad fork1"); exit(1); } else if (pid == 0) { // stdin --> ps --> pipe1 exec1(); } // parent // fork (grep root) if ((pid = fork()) == -1) { perror("bad fork2"); exit(1); } else if (pid == 0) { // pipe1 --> grep --> pipe2 exec2(); } // parent // close unused fds close(pipe1[0]); close(pipe1[1]); // fork (grep sbin) if ((pid = fork()) == -1) { perror("bad fork3"); exit(1); } else if (pid == 0) { // pipe2 --> grep --> stdout exec3(); } // parent } void exec1() { // input from stdin (already done) // output to pipe1 dup2(pipe1[1], 1); // close fds close(pipe1[0]); close(pipe1[1]); // exec execlp("ls", "ls", NULL); // exec didn't work, exit perror("bad exec ls"); _exit(1); } void exec2() { // input from pipe1 dup2(pipe1[0], 0); // output to pipe2 dup2(pipe2[1], 1); // close fds close(pipe1[0]); close(pipe1[1]); close(pipe2[0]); close(pipe2[1]); // exec execlp("grep", "grep", "c", NULL); // exec didn't work, exit perror("bad exec grep c"); _exit(1); } void exec3() { // input from pipe2 dup2(pipe2[0], 0); // output to stdout (already done) // close fds close(pipe2[0]); close(pipe2[1]); // exec execlp("grep", "grep", "y", NULL); // exec didn't work, exit perror("bad exec grep y"); _exit(1); }
This code also works on Unix/Mac.
Compile with gcc pipe_example.c -o pipe_example.o
Run with ./pipe_example.o
Creating and Opening PDF on Ionic 1 on iOS
Recently I ran into an issue using the PdfMake on Ionic 1 on iOS. It works fine on the browser with a simple download or open command but not on the actual device.
Install the cordova libraries:
Download the pdfmake javascript files and include them in your index.html
<script src='build/pdfmake.min.js'></script>
<script src='build/vfs_fonts.js'></script>
The code:
var self = this ; // defined on top of the file var docDefinition = { content: 'This is an sample PDF printed with pdfMake' }; self.pdfObj = pdfMake.createPdf(docDefinition); if (window.cordova) { self.pdfObj.getBuffer(function (buffer) { var blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: 'application/pdf' }); // Save the PDF to the data Directory of our App $cordovaFile.writeFile(cordova.file.dataDirectory, 'myletter.pdf', blob, { replace: true }).then(function () { // Open the PDf with the correct OS tools + 'myletter.pdf', 'application/pdf'); }) }); }Setup Config.xml
In your config.xml make sure you have the file settings
<preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Compatibility" /><preference name="iosPersistentFileLocation" value="Library" />
How To Use Ionic & Angular q Promises?
The Deferred API
A new instance of deferred is constructed by calling $q.defer().
The purpose of the deferred object is to expose the associated Promise instance as well as APIs that can be used for signaling the successful or unsuccessful completion, as well as the status of the task.
resolve(value) – resolves the derived promise with the value. If the value is a rejection constructed via $q.reject, the promise will be rejected instead.
reject(reason) – rejects the derived promise with the reason. This is equivalent to resolving it with a rejection constructed via $q.reject.
notify(value) – provides updates on the status of the promise’s execution. This may be called multiple times before the promise is either resolved or rejected.
promise – {Promise} – promise object associated with this deferred.
// for the purpose of this example let's assume that variables `$q` and `okToGreet` // are available in the current lexical scope (they could have been injected or passed in). function asyncGreet(name) { var deferred = $q.defer(); setTimeout(function() { deferred.notify('About to greet ' + name + '.'); if (okToGreet(name)) { deferred.resolve('Hello, ' + name + '!'); } else { deferred.reject('Greeting ' + name + ' is not allowed.'); } }, 1000); return deferred.promise; } var promise = asyncGreet('Robin Hood'); promise.then(function(greeting) { alert('Success: ' + greeting); }, function(reason) { alert('Failed: ' + reason); }, function(update) { alert('Got notification: ' + update); });
This code example was taken from Angular Documentation page:$q
Style Ion-Radio checkbox in Ionic with CSS
Recently I had the trouble of changing the default radio checkbox in ionic. Here is the CSS of how to do this:
.list .item-radio .item-content {
background-color: black;
color: white;
.list .item-radio .radio-icon {
background-color: black;
color: white;
.item-radio input:checked + .radio-content .item-content {
/* style the item content when its checked */
background: black;
Terrible Car Design Killed Anton Yelchin.
It is this Jeep vehicle that killed the ‘Star Trek’ actor Anton Yelchin. This very irresponsible car design by Chrysler is what caused the actor’s death without a doubt. There was no real need to make this shifter all electronic. Absolutely nothing is gained by this software solution of a hardware problem. Terrible human factors engineering all around.
Ionic Side Menu App with User Creation
I recently published a new Ionic Starter app that uses SideMenu navigation and has a built in User Creation and basic Login/Logout Features. If you want to kickstart your mobile app development and don’t want to waste your time on this boring stuff then this ionic starter is perfect for you!
You can check it out on the ionic marketplace and
How to Hide Specific Ionic Tabs in Angular
How to Hide Specific Ionic Tabs in Angular? It turns out ionic does not support this functionality by default although I think it should, but luckily it’s not that complicated.
Here are the 3 simple steps:
1. In your tabs.html add this ng-class
<ion-tabs ng-class="{'tabs-item-hide': hideTabs}">
2. Add ‘hide-tabs’ in your views where you want to hide the tabs
<ion-view hide-tabs>
3. In your app.js add the directive to hide tabs
.directive('hideTabs', function($rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function($scope, $el) {
$rootScope.hideTabs = true;
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
$rootScope.hideTabs = false;
The hide-tabs directive will hide the tab on whichever ion-view you set it to.