How To Print Textarea With Javascript in Ionic

How To Print Textarea With Javascript?

$scope.printText = function(){

    // replace the printTextArea with your id
    childWindow ='','childWindow','location=yes, menubar=yes, toolbar=yes');;

Google Play Services Crashing On Amazon Fire Phone Fix

If your Google services are crashing then uninstall the following 4 APPs and reinstall them.

Make sure your Amazon Fire Phone has the latest OS first –

Install the following APPs in this particular order:

Google Services Framework, 4.4.4-1227136

Google Play Services, 10.0.84 (036-13749526)

Google Account Manager, 4.4.4-1227136

Google Play Store, 7.2.13.J-all [0] [PR] [138561921]

MQTT Dynamic Library Not Found on Mac OS X

Great article on how to fix your dynamic library linking:

As it turns out, in OS X 10.0 – 10.2, you need the path to the library to show up in there — what you need is for the second line to show something like this:

@executable_path/../Frameworks/libbz2.1.0.2.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.2)

This tells OS X that it should look in the place where the binary is, move up a directory and into the Framworks folder, and the library will be sitting there. Which it is. Indeed, if you run otool -L on the binary of some application in your /Applications folder that has a working frameworks or dylibs in the app package Frameworks folder (try one of the applications from Omni), you can see that this is the case — all of their binaries comtain the right path. But the compiler is not figuring things out right… In fact, as it is right now, you can place the dylib in the same folder that the .app package is in, and things will run properly. But that’s not what we want.

Well, the first thing you can try to do is to use install_name_tool. If you read the man page for install_name_tool, you can actually change the information inside of the executable so that it has the right location. Depending on how the application was compiled, this may or may not work correctly. More specifically, you’ll be able to change the location if there was extra space compiled into the binary to allow space for a longer pathname. Generally install_name_tool will work on binaries, but not libaries. So you can now do this:

% install_name_tool -change libbz2.1.0.2.dylib
 @executable_path/../Frameworks/libbz2.1.0.2.dylib MyFunBinary 

Now try to run the file. Voila! It should work.
However this is somewhat unacceptable, as whenever the binary gets changed — taht is, whenever you recompile your code, this binary is going to get the short end of the shaft and get replaced by a new binary. Now, you could actually set up a shell script that runs install_name_tool every time you build your program, but that’s somewhat of a hack. We might as well try to fix things at the origin of the problem.

Whole article linked here:

How To Browse Ionic AngularJS API Docs

Dash, API browser app

Dash is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager. Dash stores snippets of code and instantly searches offline documentation sets for 150+ APIs (for a full list, see below). You can even generate your own docsets or request docsets to be included.

Dash comes with 150+ offline documentation sets. You can choose which documentation sets to download and Dash will take care of the rest, making sure they are kept up to date. You can also generate your own docsets, request docsets or download docsets from third-party sources.

How To Install Windows 10 for Free

You can still get Windows 10 for free if you say you use assistive technology ;)


For the general public, the free upgrade offer for Windows 10 ends on July 29. However, if you use assistive technologies, you can still get the free upgrade offer even after the general public deadline expires as Microsoft continues our efforts to improve the Windows 10 experience for people who use these technologies.

With the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, we’ve taken a number of steps to improve the accessibility of Windows 10. To learn more, read our blog that details some of these improvements.

Before you upgrade, please check with your assistive technology provider(s) to learn more about their software compatibility with Windows 10.

If you want Windows 10 now and are ready to take advantage of the free upgrade offer, select the button below to get started.

Yes, I use assistive technologies and I am ready for my free upgrade to Windows 10. *

Hidden & Dangerous 2 Sabre Squadron Patch 1.12


I’m just adding this file as a backup if the H&D fan site goes down.

Download Link: HD2 PATCH 1.12 zip

This patch synchronizes Hidden and Dangerous 2 with Sabre Squadron.

General :

– Aiming with weapon slightly modified – less motion, depence on stamina removed
– Hold breath action while using sniper rifle added (action button)
– Crawling modified because of possible map exploits
– Fixed bug with renaming profile
– Explosion code modified (RPGs, Tanks, granades)
– First aid for player and player AI adjusted and animation added
– Fixed few bugs in tactical mode
– Fixed bugs in Game Interface
– Possible problems with fences fixed
– Dog AI behaviour bug fixed
– Granades can be now thrown through tree foliage
– Item physics adjusted
– Some sound issues fixed
– MP44 damage increased by 15%
– Dispersion of BAR increased by 7%
– Hold command fixed

Singleplayer :

– Load/Save bugs fixed
– Problems while restarting mission fixed
– AI vehicle driving modified
– AI pathfinding modified

Multiplayer :

– Respawn bug fixed
– MP commands added
– Dedicated server crashes fixed
– Client crashes fixed
– Possible problems while using sticky bomb fixed
– Voting system modified
– Optimalisation of data transfer
– Synchronisation of server and client improoved
– Create Server Menu modified

Player AI :

– Changing weapons improoved
– Reaction to enemy improoved
– Executing orders improoved
– Usage of static weapons improoved
– Healing improoved
– Pathfinding modified and improoved
– Reloading improoved
– More messages added
– Perception system improoved
– Others minor bugs fixed

Enemy AI :

– Bugs while using ladder fixed
– Bugs while using tank cannon fixed
– Perception system improoved
– Reaction while taking hits modified
– Some other minor adjustments and tweaks

Source: h&d2

How To Install OS X Leopard 10.5 On PowerPC (PPC)

If you need to install Mac Os X Leopard on your PowerPC that does not meet all the requirements, you can use this leopard assist tool to temporarily fool the system. You still need your own 10.5 Install Disc.

Download the tool here:

Perhaps LeopardAssist looks a little basic on the surface. A few clicks of the mouse is all LeopardAssist needs to configure your machine for installation, from the processor to the drives – all without requiring any manual editing of files or burning of additional discs.

Extensively Tested.

LeopardAssist has several years of testing to its name, across most models and series of PowerPC Mac, and even today it continues to receive feedback and feature requests for consideration. In addition, developments and information gathered in the improvement of LeopardAssist have assisted in helping other Mac related projects on both PowerPC and Intel.

Widely Supported.

LeopardAssist is widely used and supported across many specialist Mac communities, such as the ThinkClassic Vintage Apple community ( ) and the MacRumors PowerPC Macs Forum ( ). Any questions related to the use, care and maintenance of your PowerPC based Mac and the installation of OS X Leopard can be directed to one of these communities.

Source –

How To Survive in Sony’s Until Dawn

Great tips on how to survive in Until Dawn for PS4 by Dean Takahashi on


Tips on how to save, or lose, all eight characters in Until Dawn


Jessica (played by Meaghan Martin) starts off as an unsympathetic and over-sexualized character. When you play Episode 4, you play Mike. A creature drags away Jessica, and you have to chase after her. If you fail every QTE button push, Mike won’t reach her in time. She’ll fall from above and hit the floor dead. If you reach her in time, she lies on the floor of an elevator. Then the elevator gives way and falls down into the mine. Mike believes she’s dead at that point, but we discover in the final, Episode 10, that she’s still alive. At that point, she tries to escape a Wendigo, creatures that are the real killers, in the mine.

Continue reading