A Retro Adventure Game Creator for Your Favorite Handheld Video Game System

John Gruber via Daring Fireball:

GB Studio is “A free and easy to use retro adventure game creator for your favourite handheld video game system”, by which they mean, but don’t want to name specifically, Nintendo’s GameBoy.

What a fun idea from developer Chris Maltby. You can output ROMs for emulators, play them on actual GameBoy hardware with a flash cartridge, or even export them for the web (which will even work on phones). It’s a remarkably polished IDE.

Get it here.

How to Use iOS GameCenter Leaderboards in Unity3d

You need to setup your app on the appstore connect first with the appropriate leaderboard. And you can only test this code on the iOS device and not in the unity3d player.

using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;

  private ILeaderboard leaderboard;
  private string leaderboard_id = "yourleaderboardid"; // setup on appstore connect

 void Start()

    // Authenticate user first
        Social.localUser.Authenticate(success => {
            if (success)
                Debug.Log("Authentication successful");
                string userInfo = "Username: " + Social.localUser.userName +
                    "\nUser ID: " + Social.localUser.id +
                    "\nIsUnderage: " + Social.localUser.underage;
                Debug.Log("Authentication failed");

  // create social leaderboard
        leaderboard  = Social.CreateLeaderboard();
        leaderboard.id = leaderboard_id;
        leaderboard.LoadScores(result =>
            Debug.Log("Received " + leaderboard.scores.Length + " scores");
            foreach (IScore score in leaderboard.scores)

  void ReportScore(long score, string leaderboardID)
        Debug.Log("Reporting score " + score + " on leaderboard " + leaderboardID);
        Social.ReportScore(score, leaderboardID, success => {
            Debug.Log(success ? "Reported score successfully" : "Failed to report score");

 void OpenLeaderboard()

Adventure Game Trüberbrook Review

Charlie Hall writing for Polygon:

Even more disorienting is the storyline itself. Without spoiling too much, Trüberbrook feels like a bad episode of Doctor Who. Long sections of exposition, delivered by static characters who often can’t even be bothered to look toward the camera, do very little to make anything clear. Rather than lingering in certain interactions, I found myself clicking rapidly through the same dialogue options over and over again, searching for the right sequence to move the action along.

Most disappointing of all is that the gameplay itself is merely perfunctory. In motion, Trüberbrook is achingly linear, and relies on a series of barely connected tasks. Almost nothing in the game can be described as a puzzle. It’s more of a pixel hunt, with a contextual interface that does all of the work for you. The end result is a world that’s beautiful to look at, but a game that fails to entertain in any meaningful way.

Trüberbrook is available starting today on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Ports for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One are scheduled to launch on April 17.

This is a real bummer if true. I will be playing regardless.

Get it on Steam.

Sony Officially Kills PS Vita

BBC News:

But despite its niche appeal, the Vita ultimately failed to live up to Sony’s expectations, says Stefan Langford.

“It certainly comes as no surprise that the PS Vita has finally ended production, ultimately sounding the death knell of Sony’s mobile gaming ambitions,” says Mr Spendelow.
While the PS Vita has been consigned to history, Sony is believed to be readying a new games console.

Last year, company president and chief executive Kenichiro Yoshida told the Financial Times that it was “necessary” for Sony to work on next-generation hardware. He declined to say whether this machine would carry the name PlayStation 5.

Apple is eating everyone’s lunch.