How to Fix Your Apache setup on macOS Mojave using Brew

Every time Apple releases a major OS it seems to break my web development, so I switched my setup to use Brew which made things even more confusing –at first.

The folder locations might be a little different for you, but the point is: I was editing the wrong file and seeing no results.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when debugging your system issues:

1. There are two instances of Apache if you used brew (one from Apple, and one from Brew), and each is started differently

Brew: sudo brew services restart httpd
macOS: sudo apachectl -k restart

2. This also means I was looking at wrong httpd.conf files, there are multiple ones:

Brew: /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
macOS: private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf

3. I also have different installation of php libraries now that I switched to Brew

(installed with brew install php@7.3)

Brew: /usr/local/etc/php/7.3/php.ini
macOS: /Library/Server/Web/Config/php/php.ini

Apple overwrites your httpd.conf file when upgrading the system, but it saves an old version, you just have to rename it.

Great instructions how to setup Apache on Mac using Brew ->
Setup Apache on Mac

Another good article how to Setup apache and php on macOS Mojave -> Apache on Mojave with multiple versions

How to fork and pipe multiple processes on Linux

The C code here is used for reference of how to pipe 3 separate children processes. It can be improved to support a dynamic amount of processes and corresponding pipes and system calls.

// This program is an example of how to run a command such as
// ps aux | grep root | grep sbin
// using C and Unix.
// pipe_example.c


int pid;
int pipe1[2];
int pipe2[2];

void exec1();
void exec2();
void exec3();

int main()

	// create pipe1
	if (pipe(pipe1) == -1)
		perror("bad pipe1");

	// create pipe2
	if (pipe(pipe2) == -1)
		perror("bad pipe2");

	// fork (ps aux)
	if ((pid = fork()) == -1)
		perror("bad fork1");
	else if (pid == 0)
		// stdin --> ps --> pipe1
	// parent

	// fork (grep root)
	if ((pid = fork()) == -1)
		perror("bad fork2");
	else if (pid == 0)
		// pipe1 --> grep --> pipe2
	// parent

	// close unused fds

	// fork (grep sbin)
	if ((pid = fork()) == -1)
		perror("bad fork3");
	else if (pid == 0)
		// pipe2 --> grep --> stdout
	// parent

void exec1()
	// input from stdin (already done)
	// output to pipe1
	dup2(pipe1[1], 1);
	// close fds
	// exec
	execlp("ls", "ls", NULL);
	// exec didn't work, exit
	perror("bad exec ls");

void exec2()
	// input from pipe1
	dup2(pipe1[0], 0);
	// output to pipe2
	dup2(pipe2[1], 1);
	// close fds
	// exec
	execlp("grep", "grep", "c", NULL);
	// exec didn't work, exit
	perror("bad exec grep c");

void exec3()
	// input from pipe2
	dup2(pipe2[0], 0);
	// output to stdout (already done)
	// close fds
	// exec
	execlp("grep", "grep", "y", NULL);
	// exec didn't work, exit
	perror("bad exec grep y");

This code also works on Unix/Mac.
Compile with gcc pipe_example.c -o pipe_example.o
Run with ./pipe_example.o

Ionic HTTP posts don’t work on iOS

I ran into this strange problem today where HTTP requests stopped working on iOS alone. Even though I have the latest Ionic CLI, my project was running Ionic 1 still.

To solve this http error I removed this plugin:

ionic cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-ionic-webview

And added this to config.xml:

<access origin="*" />
<allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
<allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
<allow-intent href="tel:*" />
<allow-intent href="sms:*" />
<allow-intent href="mailto:*" />
<allow-intent href="geo:*" />

Probably a bit unsafe to allow everything but had to get it working again.
If this doesn’t work for you try to also remove the iOS platform and re-add it.

good luck~

How To Embed and Open PDF files in Ionic App on iOS

This is a solution for storing and opening pdf files inside your app for offline use.
        cordova.file.applicationDirectory + 'www/img/sample.pdf',
          error: function (e) {
            console.log('Error status:'+e.status+'- Error message:'+ e.message);
          success: function () {
            console.log('file opened successfully');

Opening the pdf should be fairly simple using the cordova.plugins.fileOpener2 plugin, but I ran into a strange issue because my app name in the config.xml contained a space such as: <name>My App</name>. This caused the iOS to misread the file path. Removing this space in the app name fixed the file path on iOS.

I put the sample pdf doc in the ionic project under my images folder www/img/sample.pdf.

Good luck!