Ionic Slider Input Doesn’t Work in Popups on iOS

The issue seems to be in the modal.js file of the ionic library

The temporary fix:

var isInScroll = ionic.DomUtil.getParentOrSelfWithClass(, 'scroll');
if (isInScroll !== null && !isInScroll) {

Another possible solution is to add the class=”scroll” to your input element that is of type range.

Link to the github issue.

How To Build Production and Release Version of Ionic App

To make the production and release version of Android app using Ionic run:

ionic cordova build ios --prod --release

This should run the same as the expanded version:

ionic cordova build ios --minifycss --optimizejs --minifyjs --release

You may need to run with sudo in front of the command if you have permission issues.

For iOS builds the –release flag does not seem to do anything in my testing. I could not find any official documentation explaining what this flag does to iOS builds.

For more detail visit the ionic documentation on building

JS Infinite Alert Prank Code gets Japanese Girl in Serious Trouble

Ars Technica Reporting:

Explaining her actions, the girl said that she’d run into such pranks herself and thought it would be funny if someone clicked the link.

The Twitter user referenced in the message, 0_Infinity_, has a protected account, but the user left a message in their bio field suggesting that they don’t understand why there’s so much fuss about the script today, as it was written in 2014.

To protest the actions of the Japanese police and the absurdity of calling this act a crime, Tokyo developer Kimikazu Kato has published on GitHub a project called Let’s Get Arrested. Forking the project and then creating a branch named gh-pages will create a simple GitHub-hosted website that contains nothing but the infinitely looped alert, putting criminality at our fingertips.

for ( ; ; ) {
    window.alert(" ∧_∧ ババババ\n( ・ω・)=つ≡つ\n(っ ≡つ=つ\n`/  )\n(ノΠU\n何回閉じても無駄ですよ~ww\nm9(^Д^)プギャー!!\n byソル (@0_Infinity_)")

Calling her a criminal is totally absurd.

How To Blur Popup Background in Ionic/Angular

How To Blur Popup Background in Ionic/Angular using manual method:

To achieve this in Ionic 1, you need to set the main div’s class (that is displayed in the background of your popup) to use the blur css class .


// css file 

  -webkit-filter: blur(2px);
  -moz-filter: blur(2px);
  -o-filter: blur(2px);
  -ms-filter: blur(2px);
  filter: blur(2px);


//In your html set the main div of your app to use a dynamic class
<div ng-class="blurClass"></div>

JS Controller:

//In JS file set the blur variable to the blur class
$scope.blurClass = "blur";

// when done just set the blur to false

$scope.blurClass = false;

How To Open $ionicPopover Popup from Controller

How To Open $ionicPopover from Controller programmatically without a mouse click event:

var self = this; // store reference to 'this' controller object

this.openCustomPopover = function ($event) {

        $event = document.getElementsById('myElementID'); // html element ID 

        $ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('popovers/myhtmlpopover.html', {
                scope: $scope
            }).then(function (popover) {
                console.log('in the popover then function');
                self.popover = popover;

You can call this function from your controller without a true click event, by faking the $event object.

How to Capture Enter View Event in Directive in Ionic/Angular

How to Capture Page View Enter Event in Directive in Ionic 1 Angular 2?

Directives do not get the normal $ionicView.enter events like controllers. You have to register for the parent view event using $ionicParentView.enter.

$scope.$on("$ionicParentView.enter", function (event, data) {
    // will fire enter event in your directive              

Note: Do not import $ionicParentView into your directive, this will cause your code to break.

Good luck!