Ionic Slider Input Doesn’t Work in Popups on iOS

The issue seems to be in the modal.js file of the ionic library

The temporary fix:

var isInScroll = ionic.DomUtil.getParentOrSelfWithClass(, 'scroll');
if (isInScroll !== null && !isInScroll) {

Another possible solution is to add the class=”scroll” to your input element that is of type range.

Link to the github issue.

Pilots Complained About Boeing 737 Max 8 Before Accidents

Dallas News reporting:

Pilots repeatedly voiced safety concerns about the Boeing 737 Max 8 to federal authorities, with one captain calling the flight manual “inadequate and almost criminally insufficient” several months before Sunday’s Ethiopian Air crash that killed 157 people, an investigation by The Dallas Morning News found.

The News found at least five complaints about the Boeing model in a federal database where pilots can voluntarily report about aviation incidents without fear of repercussions.

The disclosures found by The News reference problems during Boeing 737 Max 8 flights with an autopilot system, and they all occurred while trying to gain altitude during takeoff — many mentioned the plane turning nose down suddenly. While records show these flights occurred during October and November, the information about which airlines the pilots were flying for is redacted from the database.

Records show a captain who flies the Max 8 complained in November that it was “unconscionable” that the company and federal authorities allowed pilots to fly the planes without adequate training or fully disclosing information about how its systems were different from other planes.

Which Airlines Have Boeing 737 Max 8

New York Times:

Which Airlines Have Boeing 737 Max 8? At least 20 airlines around the world have grounded their 737 Max 8 planes.


For an up to date list visit the official airline webpages.

Fox News:

Two top Democratic U.S. senators called on Boeing to ground all 737 Max 8 planes operating in the United States while the deadly weekend crash of an Ethiopian Airlines jet is investigated, while the head of the House Transportation Committee said Monday that he would “think twice” about boarding the aircraft in the future.

Facebook Deletes Ads about Breaking up Facebook

The Verge:

The ads that were briefly taken down were replaced with text that read, “This ad was taken down because it goes against Facebook’s advertising policies.” The company has policies around using Facebook’s logo and name in advertisements, and a Facebook spokesperson told Politico these rules were why the ads were originally removed.

In a tweet, Warren responded to Facebook saying, “Curious why I think FB has too much power? Let’s start with their ability to shut down debate over whether FB has too much power. Thanks for restoring my posts. But I want a social media marketplace that isn’t dominated by a single censor.”

Right, because of the logo.

Samsung Galaxy S10 Face Unlock is Not Reliable

Ars Technica reporting:

There are a number of reports that say—surprise!—a 2D image sensor can be fooled by a 2D image. The Verge was able to unlock the device with a video, and YouTube channel Unbox Therapy was able to unlock the S10 just by playing one of its public channel videos in view of the camera. The worst example is probably from, which was able to unlock the Galaxy S10 by waving a still photo around in front of the device.

The Galaxy S10 can also reportedly have trouble telling different people apart. Security Researcher Jane Wong was able to unlock her brother’s phone with her face.

Not surprised.

How To Build Production and Release Version of Ionic App

To make the production and release version of Android app using Ionic run:

ionic cordova build ios --prod --release

This should run the same as the expanded version:

ionic cordova build ios --minifycss --optimizejs --minifyjs --release

You may need to run with sudo in front of the command if you have permission issues.

For iOS builds the –release flag does not seem to do anything in my testing. I could not find any official documentation explaining what this flag does to iOS builds.

For more detail visit the ionic documentation on building

Tufts University Expelled Student for Alleged Grade Hacking

Tech Crunch:

A day earlier, she was expelled from Tufts University veterinary school. As a Canadian, her visa was no longer valid and she was told by the school to leave the U.S. “as soon as possible.” That night, her plane departed the U.S. for her native Toronto, leaving any prospect of her becoming a veterinarian behind.

Filler, 24, was accused of an elaborate months-long scheme involving stealing and using university logins to break into the student records system, view answers, and alter her own and other students’ grades.

Struggling for answers and convinced her MacBook Air — the source of the alleged hacks — was itself compromised, she paid for someone through freelance marketplace Fiverr to scan her computer. Within minutes, several malicious files were found, chief among which were two remote access trojans — or RATs — commonly used by jilted or jealous lovers to spy on their exes’ webcams and remotely control their computers over the internet. The scan found two: Coldroot and CrossRAT. The former is easily deployed, and the other is highly advanced malware, said to be linked to the Lebanese government.

Evidence of a RAT might suggest someone had remote control of her computer without her knowledge. But existence of both on the same machine, experts say, is unlikely if not entirely implausible.

Filler took her computer to an Apple Store, claiming the “mouse was acting on its own and the green light for the camera started turning on,” she said. The support staff backed up her files but wiped her computer, along with any evidence of malicious software beyond a handful of screenshots she took as part of the dossier of evidence she submitted in her appeal.

This is straight out of hackers movie.